Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeling Droopy


This is Stuart. He belongs to my friend, Jan. He's one of my canine "nephews" and I love him very much. I used to think this was a great picture of him, but he's gotten even bigger and more beautiful. He is quite honestly the cutest Bassett Hound I've ever seen. He's just one of my favorite dogs in the world (Finn's too).

But when I look at this picture, it pretty much embodies how I'm feeling today. Droopy, droopy, droopy. I'm tired and frustrated. I'm at a place of learning, which sometimes is very exciting and sometimes very painful. Today (well, really this whole past week) = learning = painful.

It's one of those things where I know that I am doing what God has asked me to, but it isn't easy. I know that He is proud of me and is right in the middle of everything changing me and growing me to be like Christ. But sometimes it sure is easy to lose perspective isn't it? There are times when He calls us to take a stand that doesn't seem to make sense at the time, but I believe (and this is what my counsel also tells me) that it's during those times He's actually just telling me to get out of the way and let Him do the work He needs to do.

I can't save the world, but I can walk the walk. Father help me to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Does anyone else feel the need for perspective or need an Aaron to help hold your arms up?

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