Sunday, November 23, 2008

Looking for God...a Challenge

Wow. I had a really amazing time at church this morning. First of all the worship service ROCKED hard...both literally and figuratively. The choir sang this morning, so I had the distinct privilege of being part of both worship services (the early and late services). Our church is set up so that the 9:00 service is more traditional with a mixture of hymns and new songs. The 11:00 service is louder and a more "contemporary" feel. This morning, well "contemporary" was really evident in a couple of the songs. Standing up on the risers and being a part of it all was a total blast. One minute I felt like I was a back up singer for a really great Christian rock band, but then the next minute I got completely lost in worship (I'd closed my eyes and for a few moments I felt almost weightless and forgot I was standing up on the risers...). It was really fun to be a part of it all.

The sermon was awesome. Our pastor has started a new series called, Intersect; Real Connections with the Real God. This morning he was talking about having more God-moments in our life. Basically the point is that the more we look for God in our day, the more He will reveal Himself to us and the more we will notice Him working. Look for ways that He opens up for us to minister to others, look for ways that He *winks* at us (see my post from October 13), look for the big and the Him out. I guarantee you He's there!

So my goal is to look for Him this week. My challenge to you is to do the same. Here's the deal (*wink* Jill...), I want you to comment here on my blog, or on fb, send me an email or call me in other words...and tell me about your God-moments! We need to hear about what God's doing in each other's lives! We need to get excited about Him moving even and especially in all the little things in our lives! So LOOK for Him this week...what better timing for this challenge? It's Thanksgiving week...tell us what God's doing that you are thankful for!

Ok, I'll start by telling you something that happened earlier in the week. It's a really small thing, but never the less something that I remember distinctly saying "thank you God" for. I go to counseling at a place called William Temple House. I've been going there for a while. I almost always get there early and end up chatting with the receptionist. I'm fairly certain she is not a believer, so I look for ways to tell her about God and what He's done in my life. At one point I had asked her what her name was....but then I forgot. I was embarrassed to ask again, so the week before, I'd asked my counselor if she knew her name. She couldn't remember either. When I was there this past week, another client said to her, "Your name is Carly, right?" I immediately said, "Thank You God." Then about 4 minutes later a different client was leaving and said to her, "Bye Carly." I chuckled because I knew God was teasing me about my forgetfulness. I laughed and said again, "Thanks God."

Now I'm going to be waiting to hear about your God moments! Big or small. It'd be great if you'd share them in the comments here or on fb because I'd love for others to be encouraged by them too, but if you only want to share them with me, that's great too! I just want to hear from you! And just in case I don't post another blog before Thursday...Happy Thanksgiving!


April said...

Here's one from today. I was having a "rough" day. I prayed and asked God to have a specific friend call me because I needed to talk to her. Not five minutes later the phone rang and it was her. God really is good to me.

April said...

Here's another. After my Bible study today, one of my favorite "new friends", Sally thought she had a leader's meeting. But she didn't. Instead she came and found me and we sat and shared some sweet fellowship (and a few tears) for almost an hour. She told me she'd love to be my grandma. I haven't had a grandma in more than 20 years. How much of a blessing is that? (She's not old enough to be my grandma, but I'm happy to have her in my life in any role she wants to be there in!)

April said...

Ok, so if no one else is going to join me on this quest to look for God, I'm going to continue. Haha. Last night I had a God Moment when a very special young lady named Ireland came to join me on the risers during the rehearsal for tonight's Praise and Thanksgiving night. I don't know how old Ireland is, but there is something so special about connecting with a child who obviously loves God very much. And man can that girl sing! She helped me learn one of the songs I didn't know and promised to stand next to me during tonight's performance. Thank you God for a refreshing visit from Ireland, especially when I was really missing and needing a connection with someone exactly like her. You know me so well and bless me continually. I'm forever grateful!

Anonymous said...

April....Ireland and I just read this. She was so happy to sing next to you as well...and I'm happy you two could worship side by side!
