Thursday, November 20, 2008


(dĭs'kəm-bŏb'yə-lāt') Pronunciation tr.v.

dis·com·bob·u·lat·ed, dis·com·bob·u·lat·ing, dis·com·bob·u·lates

To throw into a state of confusion.

Discombobulated. That is exactly how I’ve felt for about the last 24 hours. It sort of all came to a head last night at choir practice. I suddenly realized I’d been working so much on the Christmas music that I’d neglected to learn the song we are singing THIS Sunday, along with all of the worship music we’ll be singing on Sunday.

As I was driving home I realized that I’d neglected to tell someone good-bye, or even really talk to her during practice (a new choir member who is also a member of my GIFT small group). I’d probably driven my choir director crazy with questions or at least looks of complete and utter confusion, despite her efforts to keep us all informed about what’s happening. And, I’d totally checked out near the end of practice because I just couldn’t get my act together.

Then when I got home from practice, I needed to email Jill and ask her to resend me the worship songs that I’d somehow overlooked so that I can learn them by Sunday. I needed to email Vicky to tell her I was sorry for not being very “present” for her during practice. But could I get online? Noooooo. And of course, I don’t have my Sidekick, so I couldn’t access the Internet from that either. I spent two hours trying to connect, to no avail.

When I finally decided to just give up and try to go to sleep, I couldn’t stop coughing. I’ve developed this deep, rib rattling cough in the last few days. My sides and back are actually sore from it.

Yep, discombobulated. That’s exactly how I felt. Exhausted and discombobulated. (Have you guessed that I love that word?) So, I drug my discombobulated self to Jesus and briefly prayed that He would just calm my mind (and my cough) so that I could sleep. Of course He did. He’s amazing like that. Loves to take care of me…of us.

After waking up this morning, I still feel kind of discombobulated. I’ve overcommitted myself and just have too many things to do and take care of…but it’s that time of year, right? The holidays = discombobulating. You know the song…”It’s that time of year for feeling discombobulated, every thought you hear seems to say, I’m confused now, don’t know where I’m s’posed to be….”

But God is not the Author of confusion (or being discombobulated). So, I’m going to start afresh this morning. I’m giving my day to Him. I need to remember something Sheila Walsh said at WOF, “God, I don’t know where You’re going today, but I’m going with You.”

Are you feeling discombobulated? Give it to the Great De-discombobulator. He’ll take care of your every need.

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