Monday, November 17, 2008

Addiction, semi-panic, or God's way of making me learn how to be quiet?

Today the trackball on my Sidekick stopped scrolling down. I called to check about the warranty. Low and behold I have two days left on the manufacturer's warranty. Two days! So I rushed my bahoody to the T-Mobile store.

I have to send my Sidekick in for a replacement. They gave me a crappy little loaner phone. Even with my SIM card, it won't load the phone numbers from my address book. Who remembers anyone's phone numbers anymore?! I dialed my friend Jan (or at least what I was hoping was her cell phone number). When she answered, relieved I said, "Ok, was just making sure this was your phone number." She then asked me how much orange juice I'd had to drink (see earlier posting from October 23).

The phone number dilema is only one of the "problems" with not having my Sidekick. I can't access the internet on the crappy loaner phone. No checking facebook, or craigslist. No email. No games. What ever will I do when I'm waiting in line at the grocery store or worst of all, the Dr's office?!! At least I still have my ipod!

It was when that panic began to set in that I realized how addicted I am to my technological gadgets. For the last couple of months I've been TALKING about how I've been convicted about being quiet before God and just waiting for Him to speak to me. Notice the emphasis on TALKING about it. I still haven't DONE it.

Maybe this little break from my Sidekick is God-given so that in those moments that I'm waiting in line I can reflect on what God might have to say to me. Maybe I don't have to lock myself away in a closet somewhere to listen for His voice. Maybe I just need to put down the phone, the ipod, the computer, or whatever other device I'm using and just talk to God. Hmmm, novel idea...communicating with Him instead of just talking AT Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want to mess with God, and the possiblity that He's telling you to chill... BUT... I have my old Sidekick 3 just sitting in a drawer in the kitchen. It's yours if you want it :)