Thursday, January 8, 2009

Husband for Rent?

I wish I could rent a husband sometimes.

For many, many years I really wanted to be married (after uploading these pictures I took today I'm absolutely dumbfounded as to why some man didn't snap me up years ago...). At first I wanted the whole package...husband, kids, dog and mini van. As I aged beyond child-bearing years, I downsized that dream to just a husband, a dog and an SUV.
Now finally, I'm pretty settled with just the dog and the SUV, although sometimes it would still be nice to have a husband.

Like during the snow it would've been nice to have someone to go buy chains for my car and put them on. You know, someone to do the heavy lifting. But I have friends with husbands who help me out a lot (Charlie, you know who you are...).

But therein lies the rub...most of my friends, and women my age have husbands. That's a bigger reason I wish I had a husband at times. It would be so fun (and much easier frankly) to get together with people if I had a husband to hang out with my friends' husbands. Married people are just much less likely to invite a middle aged single gal over for dinner. So, for the purpose of furthering my social life, I wish I could rent a husband sometimes.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I can understand the lament. Hopefully we married women can be more sensitive to that. It is worthy of drawing attention to. Thank you for being bold and honest.
Food for thought:
* not all married men want to hang out as couples
* not all married men are good with tools
* not all married men do heavy lifting
* not all married men know how/are willing to chain up a car or fix a car
* not all married men willingly drive a SUV...even if there are kids in the family

Most of my women friends are friends with each other in spite of their marital status. The women were talking about this at care group. Each of us women 'run' in different circles than the other women in the group. The people that know us best from those other circles are not people our husbands particularly want to hang out with...all though they are glad to let US do so. The men have their friends they hang with. Many of the married women WISHED that the spouses wanted to hang out as couples, though. Interestingly (and I may get clobbered by males here) the women were more interested in the lives and events of the other husbands, than the husbands were/are of the other wives.

Also noted was that men tend to go out with the guys, with the OK of the women, a lot more often than the women get to go out with their women friends.

It may be that if you were married, your relationships would not be a lot different than they are as a single person.