Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One of the Cool People? Guess Not

"Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.

Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good."

Romans 12:9 (New Living Translation)

Isn't it funny how we like to think that once we "grow up" all the struggles of childhood will somehow cease to exist? But the truth of the matter is it doesn't. Case in point: wanting just to fit in, and the cold hard truth of cliques.

I've realized in the last few weeks that I really want to fit in. It's not so much just wanting to be one of the "cool people", but actually a desire to connect with people that I think probably have a lot in common with me. I see a group of people that seem to really enjoy one another, that seem to love the same things I love and that have the same sense of humor I do, and I think, "wow, I'd really like to get to know those people and become a part of what they have." Because they are fellow believers, I figure since we share a common bond, and if I am making an effort, they will at least respond to me and make an effort to get to know me as well. Right? Not so much. And truth be known, it stings.

I'm sure people don't even realize what they're doing (at least I really hope it's not a conscious thing...). I'm sure they don't realize that while they are enjoying such a close-knit bond they are alienating other brothers and sisters in Christ. From what I can tell, most of the people I'm observing even desire to minister to others, and yet there's something elitist that comes across as "don't cross this line" when someone makes an effort to get to know them on a deeper level.

So, what does this mean for someone like me who is on the outside looking in (okay, maybe even my face is pressed up against the window)? I'm realizing that it means a few things...

1.) I need to make sure that my attitude toward others is Christ-like
2.) I need to check myself and my responses to people.
3.) I need to stop worrying about what other people think of me.
4.) I need to make sure that I don't think of myself as better than others in any way!
5.) I need to pray for the people in whom I'm noticing this behavior.

So, while it appears that I may not be one of the cool people, and that I'm probably not going to be able to "break into" that inner circle of people, God still has me where I'm at for a reason. I'm growing and learning and finally beginning to get connected...and that's what person or not.


Scott Ensink said...

Hang in there! You have a great attitude, and you are looking at it the right way. You need to be the best Christian you can be, more than you need to fit in.

April said...

Thanks Scott! You're right...sticking close to Christ and learning all that God would have me learn is so much more important that fitting in.